It is with great sorrow that the family announces his passing on Tuesday, March 28th, 2017 at the young age of 85, surrounded by his family. Son of the late Georges and late Rose (McMurray) Levac. Predeceased by his wife Jacqueline (Brouillette) Levac. Dear father of Lynn Levac (Don Landry), Benoit "Ben" (Gwen), Donald "Doni" (Sue), Nicole Deault. Treasured grandfather of Neil Blake, Leia Blake (Ryan Yantha), Kyle (Rose-Anne Cardinal), Tyler, Troy, Erik, Jade Levac (Drew Dewit), Cody (Brittany Shank), Pat Deault, Martine Deault (Paul McVeigh), and Gabriel Deault and his great-grandchildren Matthew, Chelsea Levac and Porsche Yantha. Survived by his brother Art Levac and his sister Annette (Royal) Besner. Predeceased by brothers and sisters Alpha, Laurenza Chartrand, Georges, Albert, Albanie (Lacourcière), Paul, Aldège, Thérèse (Brûlé), Dollard, Léona (Cowhig), Joe (Joseph), Alfred, Juliette (Thibodeau) and Clément. Lovingly remembered by many nephews and nieces, relatives and friends. He will be greatly missed by the families' many canines Teddy, Bear, Kiwi, Shadow, Harley, Sonny, Jax and feline Meeka. The family expresses its heartfelt appreciation to the staff in the Emergency and Palliative Care Services at the Health Science North. Dad was an avid fisherman and enjoyed playing cards and pool. He always looked forward to family gatherings during which he made sure to speak with each of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He also enjoyed his afternoon coffee with his buddies. In keeping with his wishes, there will be no visitation or mass. Donations can be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

A un Cher Frère Chevalier,
Le Seigneur te rendra tes justes du. Merci pour tes années de Service dans les Chevaliers de Colomb ainsi que ta paroisse et communauté. Tu seras toujours gravé dans la memoire de tes frères Chevaliers. Que ton âme repose en paix et que Dieu te fassent une placent spéciale au ciel.
Mon épouse Claudette et moi-même offrons nos sincères condoléances a la famille et proche. Nos pensés sont avec vous dans ces moments difficiles.
M. Denis La Salle
Député de District 41
Membres du Conseil 9619
Chevalier de Colomb
April 3, 2017
To Nicole, Lynn, Benoit, Donald and Family.
I was really saddened to hear about your beloved father. May the love of those around you help you through the difficult days ahead. My thoughts are with you.
Monique Jennix (Levac)
April 2, 2017